Educational Outreach Participation Form

Email Institution
Dates you will be at Snowmass

Dates you would be available to participate in educational outreach activities (choose all that apply):

Week 1 (July 2-6)
Science Weekend (July 7/8)
Week 2 (July 9-13)
Week 3 (July 16-20)


Educational outreach activities you would prefer to participate in (feel free to check more than one box):

give a 30 min. talk for the public, with 30 min. for questions
hold a 30 min. interactive session with elementary or middle school children, a conversation about science and being a scientist (a small demo would help)
lead a 2-hour activity for elementary or middle-school children (hands-on or web-based)
   I would provide the activity
   I could lead one provided by others
perform a table-top demonstration at Science Weekend (basic physics, HEP-related technology, etc.)
   I would provide the demonstration materials
   I could use materials provided by others
be a docent at the on-line science fair during Science Weekend
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